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Esther Seymour filming


Esther Seymour

Therapist and Coach

Home: Welcome

How I help...

Everywhere you look it’s not hard to see that anxiety, depression, not feeling good enough – it is everywhere! Adults are suffering, children are riddled with it and it’s showing no signs of going anywhere – in fact it’s getting worse year on year…

Yes, there’s a pandemic sweeping the world but there’s another pandemic that stays hidden and undealt with….Mental and emotional health!


Mental health is on the rise and we’ve always been led to believe that treatment is long, complex and ongoing – but what if I could prove to you that it’s just not true! You can literally change your life from ONE SESSION with me and you will start to see the results pretty much instantly.


Imagine going from anxious to confident overnight?

Sad and down to happy and content?

Feeling not good enough to knowing and feeling your worth?


It’s 100% possible – and you’re in the right place!


Your life today is a reflection of how you feel about your self deep down. These feelings aren’t new, these feelings have been inside you since you were a child. For different reason, the first time you felt sad and down wasn’t as an adult – it was as a child. The first time you felt not good enough wasn’t yesterday – it was in childhood. The first time you had fear or anxiety wasn’t a few years ago – it was in childhood…. Do you see where I’m going here?!


The reason you need to fix old feelings is because the brain has around 70,000 thoughts per day so it has a habit of triggering back to responses it has used before rather creating 70,000 new responses every day – so old, unresolved feelings and beliefs get used over and over and often these responses aren’t helpful.


If the first time you felt all your first feeling and the first time you believed all your beliefs started in childhood, why would you try to tackle your problems as if it were happening right now??

Fix your childhood feelings and beliefs and you’ll fix your life… it’s that simple!


Think of it like this… most of us have a smart phone or tablet. Most of our children do too. We don’t think twice about updating our apps when we get the little signal telling us to do so… those updates remove glitches and programming that doesn’t work so well. It increases the function of the app, adds features, increases efficiency and makes it look different.  but if you think about it, our brain is literally software. It’s the software that runs our lives. Helps us to function – and we are literally running our lives from the software we born with! We’ve never updated it. We’ve never ironed out the glitches and the bugs - the programming that needs to be removed! We are running our lives on completely outdated software…Imagine if we could have a rewrite of our feelings? Imagine how that would make us function?


I use various methods as a way of resetting all of your unhelpful feelings and beliefs that are stopping you from living the life you want to live and feeling the way you want to feel – pretty much instantly!


Everyone feels the changes start within 48 hours of the session and these changes continue to grow and grow – these are the changes that stick!


In just one session with me, we will deal with all the old, stuck, deep down feelings and change them, then replace them on a deep subconscious level - freeing you from the past and taking you forward in your life to become the you that you were always supposed to be but has been stuck, held back or pushed deep down for far too long. Why wait for your life to begin?

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The Help You Need

Therapist Sessions

I use various subconscious methods as a way of resetting all of your unhelpful feelings and beliefs that are stopping you from living the life you want to live and feeling the way you want to feel – pretty much instantly!


Zoom Session

In just one session with me, we will deal with all the old, stuck, deep down feelings and change them, then replace them on a deep subconscious level - freeing you from the past and taking you forward in your life to become the you that you were always supposed to be but has been stuck, held back or pushed deep down for far too long. Why wait for your life to begin?


Digital Audio

The session accesses the subconscious mind and is a completely safe, widely used and extremely effective method that helps to effectively deal with your feelings and beliefs in the most quickest, efficient and effective method available.

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Home: Testimonials

Esther – I’ve spent all morning trying to upset myself to see if I still have any sadness and I just can’t get upset – hahaha! I have literally no negative attachments to my past, I legit can’t explain it – it doesn’t make sense! I will never stop being grateful for what you have done for me! Adult, Female

All testimonials are anonymous unless the client states otherwise.

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